At work, numerical model and algorithm are developed for research, forecasting and making management decision
about the process of the spread of harmful airborne substances in the atmosphere. In deriving the mathematical model of
the object of the study, the basic weather and climatic factors are taken into account which influence the process of
transfer and diffusion of pollutants as well as a significant parameter, the terrain of the region. In the article for
solutions of the first and third boundary, the numerical algorithm for the numerical calculations on the computer has
been developed. On the basis of mathematical models and numerical algorithms we developed a software tool in high
level language, Borland C ++ Builder. The results of numerical calculations are presented as graphics.
It is also considered the use of geo-information web-service as information security software modules for settlement.

  • Internet havola
  • DOI
  • UzSCI tizimida yaratilgan sana 21-11-2019
  • O'qishlar soni 681
  • Nashr sanasi 18-03-2016
  • Asosiy tilIngliz
  • Sahifalar60-71


At work, numerical model and algorithm are developed for research, forecasting and making management decision
about the process of the spread of harmful airborne substances in the atmosphere. In deriving the mathematical model of
the object of the study, the basic weather and climatic factors are taken into account which influence the process of
transfer and diffusion of pollutants as well as a significant parameter, the terrain of the region. In the article for
solutions of the first and third boundary, the numerical algorithm for the numerical calculations on the computer has
been developed. On the basis of mathematical models and numerical algorithms we developed a software tool in high
level language, Borland C ++ Builder. The results of numerical calculations are presented as graphics.
It is also considered the use of geo-information web-service as information security software modules for settlement.



Приводятся численная модель и алгоритм для исследования и прогнозирования процесса распространения
вредных аэрозольных веществ в атмосфере с целью принятия управленческих решений. При выводе модели
объекта были учтены основные погодно-климатические факторы, действующие на исследуемый процесс, а
также такой существенный параметр, как рельеф местности рассматриваемого региона. На основе созданного
математического аппарата разработано программное средство и проведены численные расчеты на ЭВМ.
Результаты проведенных вычислительных экспериментов приведены в виде графических объектов. Также в
работе рассмотрено использование геоинформационных веб-сервисов в качестве информационного
обеспечения для расчетных программных модулей.



Ushbu ishda atmosferaga zaxarli aerozollarni tarqalishi jarayonini kuzatilishi, bashorat qilish va boshqarish qarorlarni
qabul qilish uchun sonli model va algoritm ishlab chiqildi. Matеmatik kuzatilayotgan ob’ektning matеmatik modеli
keltirib chiqarishda zaharli zarachalarni kuchish va diffuziya jarayonining klimatik va ob-havoning asosiy omillari va
yеr sathini, past va balandliklarni hisobga olingan. Maqolada birinchi va uchunch chegaraviy masalani yechish uchun
sonli algoritm yaratilgan va ushbu algoritm asosida EXM da xisob-kitob otqazilgan. Taqdim etilgan matematik model
va sonli algoritm asosida yuqori darajali dasrurlash tili Borland C++ Builderda dasturiy mahsulot yaratildi. Olingan
sonliy xisob-kitob natijalari grafik ob’ektlar kurunushiga keltirgan. Maqolada hisob tajribalarni olib borilishi uchun
gеoinformatsion vеb-sеrvis yordamida axborot ta'minotini yaratish tеxnologiyasi va hisoblash modullari to’g’risidagi
ma'lumotlar kеltirilgan.

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