In the review risk factors which transformations chronic atrophic a gastritis in a stomach cancer promote are analyzed. The characteristic of precancer conditions as increase in risk of development of a cancer of a stomach is given. Processes of a chronic inflammation, an atrophy, intestinal metaplasia, displasia and risk of formation adenocarcinoma of stomach are estimated. As risk factor of a cancer of a stomach definition of subtypes intestinal metaplasia is offered, dividing on full and incomplete taking into account decrease in an expression gastric mucin MUC1, MUC5AC and MUC6. The role of a genetic susceptibility of an organism to infected Н pylori, the factors of its pathogenicity promoting metaplasia epithelium is analyzed. It is proved that the combination virulence a microorganism and a genetic susceptibility of the owner conducts to heavier chronic inflammation and faster progressing of a cancer of a stomach, at least, for intestinal type the role of genetic polymorphism interleukins in pathogenesis gastric carcinogenesis is revealed. The association of risk of development of a cancer of a stomach with genotypes interleukins 1 (IL-1B-511 T, IL-1B-31 T, and a genotype *2/*2 the antagonist of a receptor interleukins 1 with the relation of chances 2,5 is established; 2,6 and 3,7 for development of a cancer of a stomach at homozygous These carriers alleles in comparison with not carriers. Also role Toll-like of receptors 4 types (TLR4), participating in recognition Н. pylori is established. Development of the superfluous immune answer of the owner is connected with receptors of this type, leading to damage of a mucous membrane at Н. pylori-infected persons. In particular, carriers TLR4+896А>G polymorphism have heavier atrophy of a stomach and inflammation degree, and also the raised risk a stomach cancer

  • Internet havola
  • DOI10.26739/2181-9300-2018-4-4
  • UzSCI tizimida yaratilgan sana 25-11-2019
  • O'qishlar soni 0
  • Nashr sanasi 19-12-2018
  • Asosiy tilIngliz
  • Sahifalar

In the review risk factors which transformations chronic atrophic a gastritis in a stomach cancer promote are analyzed. The characteristic of precancer conditions as increase in risk of development of a cancer of a stomach is given. Processes of a chronic inflammation, an atrophy, intestinal metaplasia, displasia and risk of formation adenocarcinoma of stomach are estimated. As risk factor of a cancer of a stomach definition of subtypes intestinal metaplasia is offered, dividing on full and incomplete taking into account decrease in an expression gastric mucin MUC1, MUC5AC and MUC6. The role of a genetic susceptibility of an organism to infected Н pylori, the factors of its pathogenicity promoting metaplasia epithelium is analyzed. It is proved that the combination virulence a microorganism and a genetic susceptibility of the owner conducts to heavier chronic inflammation and faster progressing of a cancer of a stomach, at least, for intestinal type the role of genetic polymorphism interleukins in pathogenesis gastric carcinogenesis is revealed. The association of risk of development of a cancer of a stomach with genotypes interleukins 1 (IL-1B-511 T, IL-1B-31 T, and a genotype *2/*2 the antagonist of a receptor interleukins 1 with the relation of chances 2,5 is established; 2,6 and 3,7 for development of a cancer of a stomach at homozygous These carriers alleles in comparison with not carriers. Also role Toll-like of receptors 4 types (TLR4), participating in recognition Н. pylori is established. Development of the superfluous immune answer of the owner is connected with receptors of this type, leading to damage of a mucous membrane at Н. pylori-infected persons. In particular, carriers TLR4+896А>G polymorphism have heavier atrophy of a stomach and inflammation degree, and also the raised risk a stomach cancer


Проанализированы факторы риска, способствующие трансформации хронического атрофического гастрита в рак желудка. Дана характеристика предраковых состояний в порядке увеличения риска развития рака желудка. Оценены процессы хронического воспаления, атрофии, кишечной метаплазии, дисплазии и риск формирования аденокарциномы желудка. В качестве фактора риска рака желудка предложено определение подтипов кишечной метаплазии, разделяя на полную и неполную с учетом снижения экспрессии желудочных муцинов MUC1, MUC5AC и MUC6. Проанализирована роль генетической восприимчивости организма к инфицированности Н. pylori, факторы его патогенности, способствующие метаплазии эпителия. Доказано, что сочетание вирулентности микроорганизма и генетической восприимчивости хозяина ведет к более тяжелому хроническому воспалению и более быстрому прогрессированию рака желудка, по крайней мере, для кишечного типа. Выявлена роль генетического полиморфизма интерлейкинов в патогенезе желудочного канцерогенеза. Установлена ассоциация риска развития рака желудка с генотипами интерлейкина 1 (IL-1B-511 T, IL-1B-31 T, и генотипом *2/*2 антагониста рецептора интерлейкина 1 с отношением шансов 2,5; 2,6 и 3,7 для развития рака желудка у гомозиготных носителей этих аллелей по сравнению с не носителям. Также установлена роль Toll-like рецепторов 4 типа (TLR4), участвующих в распознавании Н. pylori. Именно с рецепторами этого типа связано развитие избыточного иммунного ответа хозяина, приводящее к повреждению слизистой оболочки у Н. pyloriинфицированных лиц. В частности, носители TLR4+896А>G полиморфизма имеют более тяжелую атрофию желудка и степень воспаления, а также повышенный риск некардиального рака желудка.

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