Tadqiqotning maqsadi:Tibbiy va sotsiologik tadqiqotlar ma’lumotlari asosida an’anaviy koreys tibbiyot usullaridan foydalanishning bemorlarning hayot sifati darajasiga ta’sirini asoslashdan iborat. Materiallar va usullari:Tadqiqotda umurtqa pog‘onasi bel-dumg‘aza dorsopatiyasi tashxisi qо‘yilgan 152 bemor ishtirok etdi, ishtirokchilar orasida 54 (35,5%) erkak va 98 (64,5%) ayol bor edi, bemorlarning 21 -71 yoshgacha, bemorlarning о‘rtacha yoshi 52±8,4 ni tashkil etadi. Tadqiqotga tayyorgarlik jarayonida bemorlar og‘riqni davolash usuliga qarab 4 guruhga bо‘lindi. I guruh medikamentoz dori terapiyasini (MT) olgan 36 (23,7%) bemorlardan, II guruh –32 (21,1%) surunkali og‘riqni davolashning An’anaviy Koreys terapiyasi (AKT) bilan birgalikda olgan bemorlardan, III guruh-45 (29,6%) Transkranial Magnit Stimulyatsiya( TMS) bilan davolangan va IV guruhda AKUni TMS bilan birgalikda olgan 39 (25,7%) bemordan iborat. Terapiyadan oldin va keyin hayot sifati (HS) parametrlarini tahlil qilish vositasi sifatida bemorlardan "Osvestri"sо‘rovnomasini tо‘ldirish sо‘ralgan. Natijalar:Terapiya boshlanishidan oldin HS parametrlarini qiyosiy tahlil qilish natijasida bemorlar guruhlari orasida javob indeksining (ODI) yuqori kо‘rsatkichlari aniqlandi. Shunday qilib, sо‘rovnomaning 10 shkalasi orasida ODI indeksi bel dumg‘aza dorsopatiyasi bilan og‘rigan bemorlarning barcha tо‘rt guruhi orasida 50% dan ortiqni tashkil etadi. Davolash protokoli tugagandan sо‘ng, AKTni TMS bilan birgalikda olgan bemorlarning IV guruhidagi ODI indeksi 0% ni tashkil yetdi, bu II guruhga nisbatan statistik jihatdan ancha yaxshi natijaga ega –ODI = 14%, II guruh ODI = 6% va III guruh, bu yerda ODI indeksi 10% edi.

  • O'qishlar soni 62
  • Nashr sanasi 01-04-2024
  • Asosiy tilO'zbek
  • Sahifalar139-150

Tadqiqotning maqsadi:Tibbiy va sotsiologik tadqiqotlar ma’lumotlari asosida an’anaviy koreys tibbiyot usullaridan foydalanishning bemorlarning hayot sifati darajasiga ta’sirini asoslashdan iborat. Materiallar va usullari:Tadqiqotda umurtqa pog‘onasi bel-dumg‘aza dorsopatiyasi tashxisi qо‘yilgan 152 bemor ishtirok etdi, ishtirokchilar orasida 54 (35,5%) erkak va 98 (64,5%) ayol bor edi, bemorlarning 21 -71 yoshgacha, bemorlarning о‘rtacha yoshi 52±8,4 ni tashkil etadi. Tadqiqotga tayyorgarlik jarayonida bemorlar og‘riqni davolash usuliga qarab 4 guruhga bо‘lindi. I guruh medikamentoz dori terapiyasini (MT) olgan 36 (23,7%) bemorlardan, II guruh –32 (21,1%) surunkali og‘riqni davolashning An’anaviy Koreys terapiyasi (AKT) bilan birgalikda olgan bemorlardan, III guruh-45 (29,6%) Transkranial Magnit Stimulyatsiya( TMS) bilan davolangan va IV guruhda AKUni TMS bilan birgalikda olgan 39 (25,7%) bemordan iborat. Terapiyadan oldin va keyin hayot sifati (HS) parametrlarini tahlil qilish vositasi sifatida bemorlardan "Osvestri"sо‘rovnomasini tо‘ldirish sо‘ralgan. Natijalar:Terapiya boshlanishidan oldin HS parametrlarini qiyosiy tahlil qilish natijasida bemorlar guruhlari orasida javob indeksining (ODI) yuqori kо‘rsatkichlari aniqlandi. Shunday qilib, sо‘rovnomaning 10 shkalasi orasida ODI indeksi bel dumg‘aza dorsopatiyasi bilan og‘rigan bemorlarning barcha tо‘rt guruhi orasida 50% dan ortiqni tashkil etadi. Davolash protokoli tugagandan sо‘ng, AKTni TMS bilan birgalikda olgan bemorlarning IV guruhidagi ODI indeksi 0% ni tashkil yetdi, bu II guruhga nisbatan statistik jihatdan ancha yaxshi natijaga ega –ODI = 14%, II guruh ODI = 6% va III guruh, bu yerda ODI indeksi 10% edi.


The aim of the study based on the data of a medical and sociological study, to substantiate the impact of the use traditional Korean medicine on the level parameters of the quality of life of patients. Materials and methods. The study involved 152 patients diagnosed with dorsopathy of the lumbosacral spine, among the participants there 54 (35.5%) men and 98 (64.5%) women, the age of the patients ranged from 21 to 71 years, the average age of the patients was 52± 8.4 years. During preparation for the study, patients were randomized into 4 groups depending on the pain management technique used. Group I consisted of 36 (23.7%) patients who received standard complex drug therapy (MT), group II -32 (21.1%) patients who received MT in combination with traditional Korean methods of treatment (TKT) of chronic pain, group III -45 (29.6%) patients who received the standard type of drug therapy in combination with transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS), and in group IV, which consisted of 39 (25.7%) patients who received TMT in combination with TMS. Before and after the completion of therapy, patients asked to complete the Oswestry Disability Index (ODI) questionnaire as tools for analyzing quality of life (QoL) parameters. Results. As aresult of a comparative analysis of QoL parameters before the start of therapy, high response index ODI values were revealed among groups of patients. Thus, among the 10 scales of the questionnaire, the ODI index was more than 50% among all four groups ofpatients with lumbosacral dorsopathy. After completion of the treatment protocol, the ODI index in group IV of patients treated with TCT in combination with TMS was 0%, which was a statistically significantly better result compared to group I -ODI = 14%,group II -ODI = 6% and group III , where the ODI index was 10%, respectively.

Havola nomi
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