This article presents a methodology for calculating the technical, economic and
environmental indicators of the developed design of a photovoltaic thermal installation with a nominal
electric power of 1,2 kW and a thermal power of 2.17 kW for simultaneous production of electric
energy and hot water for household needs of consumers. The capacity of the installation is 5.26 kWh
of electricity and 30 liters/hour of heated water. The schemes of obtaining hot water by additional
heating of the heated water produced by the installation in the cool seasons of the year are presented.
This installation allows to receive total energy in the amount of 2,795.77 thousand UZS per year
without consuming natural resources, save coal consumption in the amount of 2,236.5 thousand UZS
per year, or natural gas in the amount of 1,745.45 thousand UZS. In addition, the installation avoids
emissions of CO2 carbon dioxide into the atmosphere for the production of annual energy based on
the calculation, when using coal at thermal power plants, the output of CO2 emissions in the amount
of 17.3 tons or natural gas 2.15 tons of CO2 per year and prevent environmental pollution.
This article presents a methodology for calculating the technical, economic and
environmental indicators of the developed design of a photovoltaic thermal installation with a nominal
electric power of 1,2 kW and a thermal power of 2.17 kW for simultaneous production of electric
energy and hot water for household needs of consumers. The capacity of the installation is 5.26 kWh
of electricity and 30 liters/hour of heated water. The schemes of obtaining hot water by additional
heating of the heated water produced by the installation in the cool seasons of the year are presented.
This installation allows to receive total energy in the amount of 2,795.77 thousand UZS per year
without consuming natural resources, save coal consumption in the amount of 2,236.5 thousand UZS
per year, or natural gas in the amount of 1,745.45 thousand UZS. In addition, the installation avoids
emissions of CO2 carbon dioxide into the atmosphere for the production of annual energy based on
the calculation, when using coal at thermal power plants, the output of CO2 emissions in the amount
of 17.3 tons or natural gas 2.15 tons of CO2 per year and prevent environmental pollution.
№ | Muallifning F.I.Sh. | Lavozimi | Tashkilot nomi |
1 | Juraev I.R. | Research Associate | Tashkent State Technical University |
2 | Yuldoshev I.. | DSc | Tashkent State Technical University |
3 | Juraeva .I. | Assistant, | TDTU |
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