• Internet havola
  • DOI
  • UzSCI tizimida yaratilgan sana 10-12-2019
  • O'qishlar soni 220
  • Nashr sanasi 01-11-2017
  • Asosiy tilIngliz
  • Sahifalar16-20
Kalit so'z


Th dynamics of Islamic studies in Uzbekistan over the past
25 years is presented in the form of analytical and statistical
survey of domestic dissertational studies of Islam in comparison
with the researches of religious scholars and humanitarian
scholars who have studied other religions. Th latest domestic
governmental documents and materials frm international
summits concerning with sphere of science, enlightenment and
modernization in the Islamic world are given.


Мақолада сўнгги 25 йил мобайнида Ўзбекистонда
диншунос, ижтимоий гуманитар соҳа вакиллари
томонидан ислом ва бошқа динларни диссертация
тадқиқотлари даражасида ўрганилганлиги ҳақидаги
маълумотлари статистик ва таҳлилий тарзда баён
этилган. Унда фан, маърифат ва ислом оламидаги
янгиланиш билан боғлиқ ҳукуматнинг янги меъёрий
ҳ у жжат лари, ха лқаро са м мит материа л лари


Динамика изучения ислама в Узбекистане за
последние 25 лет представлена в виде аналитического
и с т а т и с т и ч е с к о г о о б з о р а о т е ч е с т в е н н ы х
диссертационных исследований ислама в сравнении
с диссертациями религиоведов и гуманитариев,
исследовавших другие религии. Приводятся новейшие
отечественные правительственные документы и
материалы международных саммитов, касающихся сфер
науки, просветительства и модернизации в исламском

Havola nomi
1 1. Speech of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Sh. Mirziyoyev at the 72nd Session of the UN General Assembly (New York, September 19, 2017) .- Pravda Vostoka, September 20, 2017, No. 183. 2. Speech of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Sh. Mirziyoyev at the First Summit of the THE RELIGIOUS VALUES IN GOLDEN PAGES OF HISTORY 20 4-number 2017 Organization of Islamic Cooperation on Science and Technology. (Astana, September 10, 2017) .- Th truth of the East, September 11, 2017, No. 178 (28636). 3. Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On Further Improvement of the PostGraduate Education System" (Collected Legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan, 2017, No. 8, Article 106) 4. Resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On the Program of Comprehensive Measures for the Development of Publication and Distribution of Book Products, Raising Book Reading Culture " .- Pravda Vostok from September 14, 2017, No. 180 5. Religion, society, state: new formats of relationships. Dynamics of religious space in the modern Russian society. Th journal "Science and Religion", No. 6, 7.- 2017. 6. Ibragimov E., Tulemetova G., Isokzhonov R.- Dynamics of the development of religious studies in Uzbekistan (based on the analysis of dissertational research on religious studies from 1992 to 2017 and government decisions). Materials of IX Republican Scientifi and Practical Conference of Tashkent Islamic University "Actual Questions of Religious Studies" .- April, 2017.- P.10-14 7. Tulemetova G., Ibragimov E., Fundamentals of Religious Studies. Textbook for high schools: "TIU", 2016.-266 p. 8. Yusupov O. Uzbekistan is a country of tolerance // Intern. Conf. TIU in corporation with the UNESCO Offi in Uzbekistan and the Committe for Religious Affirs under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan: "Interfaith Dialogue and Religious Tolerance is Guarantee of Social Stability", November 12, 2014. - С.6-9. 9. Khasanov A. Lectures on the history of early Islam. T .: "TIU", 2014. -325 p