• Internet havola
  • DOI
  • UzSCI tizimida yaratilgan sana 11-12-2019
  • O'qishlar soni 159
  • Nashr sanasi 01-11-2017
  • Asosiy tilIngliz
  • Sahifalar37-40
Kalit so'z


In the modern world the idea of tolerance plays an
important and vital role. We are talking in this article about
European experience and best practices in support of religious


Ҳозирги вақтда бағрикенглик ғояси ҳаётий аҳамиятга
эга. Ушбу мақолада Европанинг ижобий тарбияси ва диний
бағрикенгликни мустаҳкамлаш бўйича амалий чоралар
таҳлили келтирилган.


В современном мире идея толерантности имеет
жизненно важное значение. В статье на основе
примеров европейского опыта в укреплении религиозной
толерантности анализируются наиболее успешные
практики в этой сфере.

Muallifning F.I.Sh. Lavozimi Tashkilot nomi
1 TULEMETOVA G.. PhD, docent
2 Alimova M.. Phd, Tashkent Islamic University
Havola nomi
1 [1] Sh. Mirziyoyev, speech of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan at the 72nd Session of the UN General Assembly (New York, September 19, 2017) .- Pravda Vostoka, September 20, 2017, No. 183. [2] Krista Pikkat, Speech by UNESCO Representative in Uzbekistan on Promoting peace through inter-cultural and -religious dialogue. // International ScientifiPractical Conference of Tashkent Islamic University jointly with the UNESCO Representative in Uzbekistan and Committe of the Religion affirs under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan: "Interconfessional dialogue and religious toleranceguarantee of stability in society."-P.17-18 [3] Guidelines for Educators on Countering Intolerance and Discrimination against Muslims. Addressing Islamophobia through Education.- ISBN 978-92-9234-816-8. © OSCE/ODIHR, Council of Europe, UNESCO, 2011.- P.12htt://www.osce.org/ odihr/84495?download=true [4] Wegmarshaus G.-R. Th idea of tolerance.// International Scientifi-Practical Conference of Tashkent Islamic University: "Interconfessional dialogue and religious tolerance-guarantee of stability in society."-P. 149. [6] Tulemetova G., Karabaeva D. Social principle of Islamic banking and fiancial system.// International scientifi-practical conference of Tashkent Financial Institute jointly with the Central Bank of the Republic of Uzbekistan and Association of Banks of Uzbekistan on the theme: "Th role of the banking and fiancial institutions in accelerating the modernization, technical and technological renovation of the economy". -May 29, 2014.- Tashkent. P. 36. See also: Tulemetova M., Arifjnov G. Principles of Islamic investment on example of Dubai real estetmarket.-Pp.31-33. [7] International Scientifi-Practical Conference “Secularity and religion in Muslim countries: searching for a rational balance”.- Edited by Z.I. Munavvarov&R.J.Krumm.- Samarkand, 1-3 October 2004,.-P.144. See also: Central Asia: the space of "silk democracy". Islam and the state. Edited by E.Nogoibaeva. © Th Fund. Friedrich Ebert 2017.-Almaty, 2017. - P.2