Ushbu maqolada L.N. Tolstoyning”Urush va tinchlik” asaridagi
qahramonlarning portret xarakteristikasi berilgan. Chuqur psixologizm va muallifni
qahramonlarining his- tuyg`ulariga bo`lgan e`tibor asarning yorqin xususiyat
This article shows the portrait characteristics of the heroes of “War
and peace” by L.N. Tolstoy. Deep psychologism and the attention to the feelings of the
characters of the author are the best side of the novel.
№ | Muallifning F.I.Sh. | Lavozimi | Tashkilot nomi |
1 | CHjen E.V. | Namdu | |
2 | Xolmatova G.. | Namdu |
№ | Havola nomi |
1 | Толстой Л.Н. Полн. Собр. соч. – М., Художественная литература, 2012.- Т.8, С.321. |
2 | Ломунов И. Лев Толстой. – М., Прогресс, 1999. – С.49 |
3 | Борев Ю. Эстетика – М., Искусство, 2011. – С.256. |