• Internet havola
  • DOI
  • UzSCI tizimida yaratilgan sana 03-01-2020
  • O'qishlar soni 331
  • Nashr sanasi 23-02-2019
  • Asosiy tilRus
  • Sahifalar93-94
Kalit so'z

The article discusses various types of unmanned aerial vehicles (drones) for the needs of agriculture. Areas in agriculture are presented where they can be applied, i.e. their functional capabilities are indicated. UAVs open up new technologies to improve the efficiency of the agricultural industry.

Kalit so'z
Muallifning F.I.Sh. Lavozimi Tashkilot nomi
1 Kurbanov J.F. зав. лаб., PhD ТашИИЖТ
2 Kolesnikov I.. c.н.с., к.т.н., доц. ТашИИЖТ
Havola nomi
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2 2. Накадзава С., «Новые способы использования беспилотников» //Давиденко Ю. В.// Бизнес – курьер: рекламн.-инфор. журн. – 2015г. - №22 – с. 68-70.