In this paper considered unique Sentience hardware-software cloud platform which provides special cloud framework for multiple devices and systems for connectivity to cloud and taking maximum advantageous from this connectivity. Cloud-connected solutions is next step in industrial IT-technologies which allows to decide many earlier problems by totally different way.

  • Internet havola
  • DOI
  • UzSCI tizimida yaratilgan sana 10-01-2020
  • O'qishlar soni 526
  • Nashr sanasi 19-10-2018
  • Asosiy tilIngliz
  • Sahifalar67-71

 In this paper considered unique Sentience hardware-software cloud platform which provides special cloud framework for multiple devices and systems for connectivity to cloud and taking maximum advantageous from this connectivity. Cloud-connected solutions is next step in industrial IT-technologies which allows to decide many earlier problems by totally different way.

Muallifning F.I.Sh. Lavozimi Tashkilot nomi
1 Yusupbekov N.R. Tashkent State Technical University, Uzbekistan Address: Prospect Uzbekistanskya-2, 100095, Tashkent city, Republic of Uzbekistan 1E-mail: dodabek@mail.ru TDTU
2 Adilov F.T. LLC “XIMAVTOMATIKA”, Uzbekistan Address: Niyozbek yuli-1 Street, 100000, Tashkent city, Republic of Uzbekistan 6E-mail: Farukh.Adilov@himavtomatika.uz LLC “XIMAVTOMATIKA”, Uzbekistan
3 Sujith .. Honeywell Automation India Ltd., India Address: 56&57 Hadapsar Industrial Estate, Pune – 411013 Maharashtra, India 2E-mail: Sujith.Somakumaran@honeywell.com Honeywell Automation India Ltd., India
4 Narwadkar A.. Honeywell Automation India Ltd., India Address: 56&57 Hadapsar Industrial Estate, Pune – 411013 Maharashtra, India E-mail: Anand.Narwadkar@honeywell.com Honeywell Automation India Ltd., India
5 Jurayev T.T. Ustyurt Gas Chemical Complex, Uzbekistan, Address in Nukus: Turtkul Gusar street, 121, 230100, Nukus city, Republic of Karakalpakstan 4E-mail: t.juraev@uz-kor.com Ustyurt Gas Chemical Complex, Uzbekistan
6 Sattarov S.B. Eriell Corporation S.R.O” Company, Czech Republic Address in Prague: 11000, Spalena 29, Prague 1, CZ Address in Tashkent: Gavhar-151A street, 100081, Tashkent city, Republic of Uzbekistan 5E-mail: shakhrukh@ERIELL.com “Eriell Corporation S.R.O” Company, Czech Republic
7 Ivanyan A.. LLC “XIMAVTOMATIKA”, Uzbekistan Address: Niyozbek yuli-1 Street, 100000, Tashkent city, Republic of Uzbekistan E-mail: arsen.ivanyan@himavtomatika.uz LLC “XIMAVTOMATIKA”, Uzbekistan
Havola nomi
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