The article deals with results of mortality from DM among 100 000 adult population and number of lethal outcomes per 1000 DM patients from 2007 to 2010. They were given in the section of 14 regions of the Republic of Uzbekistan in total. The structure of lethal outcomes from DM was recheached depending on causes from 2007 to 2010 in the Republic of Uzbekistan and in section of 14 regions. The results of register in 2010 showed the improvement of situationin. T2D patients who live with DM longer: the number of death from CVD among T2Dpatients at the age from 60 to 69 years had statistically significant decrease and statistically significant, more number of patients were under 7 0-years old. As a result life expectancy of T2D patients had increase from 63,6 years in 2007 to 65,3 years in 2010.


  • Internet havola
  • DOI
  • UzSCI tizimida yaratilgan sana 23-01-2020
  • O'qishlar soni 207
  • Nashr sanasi 05-06-2018
  • Asosiy tilRus
  • Sahifalar27-36

Мақолада Узбекистан Республикаси ва унинг 14 вилояти кесимида 2007 ва 2010 йилларда етук ёшдаги 100 000 ах,олига нисбатан улим сони ва 1000 та КД беморлари орасида КД, сабабли улим х,олатлари микдорини текширув натижалари келтирилган х,амда Узбекистан Республикаси ва унинг 14 вилояти кесимида 2007 ва 2010 йиллар­да КД беморлари улими сабаби урганилган.

2010 йил регистри натижалари х,олатнинг узоцроц умр кечиришни бошладилар: 60-69 ёшдаги КД беморларида КЭЙДЕ сабабли улим ишонарли даражада камайди ва аксарият бемор- ларнинг ёши 70 ёшдан оша бошлади. Натижада КД2 беморлари хаёт давомийлиги 2007 йилда 63,7 ёшдан, 2010 йилда 65,3 ёшга ошди.


The article deals with results of mortality from DM among 100 000 adult population and number of lethal outcomes per 1000 DM patients from 2007 to 2010. They were given in the section of 14 regions of the Republic of Uzbekistan in total. The structure of lethal outcomes from DM was recheached depending on causes from 2007 to 2010 in the Republic of Uzbekistan and in section of 14 regions. The results of register in 2010 showed the improvement of situationin. T2D patients who live with DM longer: the number of death from CVD among T2Dpatients at the age from 60 to 69 years had statistically significant decrease and statistically significant, more number of patients were under 7 0-years old. As a result life expectancy of T2D patients had increase from 63,6 years in 2007 to 65,3 years in 2010.


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Havola nomi
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