The paper studies the thermal physical properties of solid disperse, powder and granular
materials, and also reveals that the thermal physical properties of various materials are of
different nature, mainly the thermal physical properties of metallic and nonmetallic materials
are sharply determined by the nature of their detection, which indicates the reliability of the
mathematical model that describes the basic thermal physical parameters that are structural
geometric parameters of solid disperse, powder and granular materials and as a result they are
classified on their thermal physical properties. Also the choice of the method for calculating the
basic properties of solid disperse, powder and granular materials that exist up to now and on the
basis of the chosen method, the possibilities of compiling mathematical models are established,
the main issues of numerical modeling, calculation methods and its advantages and
disadvantages are created, the possibilities of solving the determination and analysis of basic
thermal physical properties of materials using modern mathematical models and calculation
Maqolada qattiq sochiluvchan, kukunli va donador materiallarning issiqlik fizikaviy hossalari
o'rganilgan va issiqlik fizikaviy hossalari turli materiallar uchun turlicha harakterga ega
ekanligi, asosan metal va nometal materiallar uchun issiqlik fizikaviy hossalari keskin tarzda
farqlanuvchan harakterni namoyon etishi ochib berilgan bo'lib, tadbiq etilgan materiallarning
issiqlik fizikaviy hossalarini o'rganishda, matematik modellarning aniqligi va xatoligini
kamaytirish maqsadida, qattiq sochiluvchan, kukunli va donador materiallarning molekulalar
strukturasi va geometrik joylashish xolatlariga nisbatan ularning klassifikatsiyasi
shakllantirilgan. Qattiq sochiluvchan, kukunli va donador materiallarning issiqlik fizikaviy
hossalarining hozirgi davrga qadar mavjud hisoblash usullarini tanlash tadbiq etilgan va
tanlangan hisoblash usullariga mos matematik modellarni yaratish imkonyatlari ko'rib
chiqilgan, yaratilgan va tadbiq etilgan matematik modellar, sonli modellashtirish masalalari va
hisoblash usullarining kamchiliklari va afzalliklari keltirib o'tilgan bo'lib, hozirgi zamonaviy
matematik modellar va hisoblash usullarini tahlil qilish orqali qatiq sochiluvchan, kukunli va
donador mahsulotlarni issiqlik fizikaviy hossalarini aniqlashda mavjud muammolar echimini
topish imkoniyati yaratilgan.
The paper studies the thermal physical properties of solid disperse, powder and granular
materials, and also reveals that the thermal physical properties of various materials are of
different nature, mainly the thermal physical properties of metallic and nonmetallic materials
are sharply determined by the nature of their detection, which indicates the reliability of the
mathematical model that describes the basic thermal physical parameters that are structural
geometric parameters of solid disperse, powder and granular materials and as a result they are
classified on their thermal physical properties. Also the choice of the method for calculating the
basic properties of solid disperse, powder and granular materials that exist up to now and on the
basis of the chosen method, the possibilities of compiling mathematical models are established,
the main issues of numerical modeling, calculation methods and its advantages and
disadvantages are created, the possibilities of solving the determination and analysis of basic
thermal physical properties of materials using modern mathematical models and calculation
В статье изучены теплофизические свойства твердых сыпучих, порошковых и
зернистых материалов, а также установлено, что теплофизические свойства различных
материалов носят различный характер, в основном, теплофизические свойства
металлических и неметаллических материалов резко выражены по характеру выявления,
который свидетельствуют о достоверности математической модели, описывающей,
основные теплофизические параметры по структурным геометрическим параметрам
твердых сыпучих, порошковых и зернистых материалов, в результате чего они
классифицированы по теплофизическим свойствам. Также рассмотрен выбор метода
расчета основных свойств твердых сыпучих, порошковых и зернистых материалов,
существующих до настоящего времени, и на основе выбранного метода установлены
возможности составления математических моделей. Также приведены основные
вопросы числового моделирования, методы расчета, его преимущества и недостатки,
создания возможностей определения и анализа основных теплофизических свойств
материалов с применением современных математических моделей и методов расчета.
№ | Muallifning F.I.Sh. | Lavozimi | Tashkilot nomi |
1 | ABDURAXMANOV A.A. | doktorant | TDTU |
2 | RASHIDOV A.A. | kat o'qituvchi | TDTU |
3 | MAMMUDJANOV M.M. | assistent | TDTU |
№ | Havola nomi |
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