The main agrotechnical requirements for cultivators working between rows are as follows:
uniform of rows loosening between rows (stability of depth of loosening), complete destruction of
weeds in spacings and rows, absence of damage to cultivated plants in rows and falling asleep
with their soil (keeping the width of the protective zone). The highest quality of work will be if
the trace of the last to the row of the working body copies the line of the row. The article
presents a model for processing information when performing a cultivator technological
process, presents the results of the probabilistic characteristics of the processes in the
functioning models of cultivating aggregates.
The experiment was conducted on a cultivator model. The model is equipped with tracering
devices instead of the working bodies of the cultivator. Using the model, it is possible to imitate
the technological process of intertillage “inter-row of cultivated plants” on the coordinate sheet.
The movement of the model is carried out in such a way that the line drawn by the cultivator
tracer (trajectory of the working body) is equidistant to the line of the row of plants.
The width of the protective zone consists of two parts: the width of the root protective zone
and the width of the additional protective zone. The width of the additional protective zone
depends on the size of the inevitable deviation from the line of the row of plants during the
movement of the working body in the spacings. The deviation from the width of the additional
protective zone is equal to the deviation from the width of the permissible protective zone of the
working body when the cultivator moves. Since the value of the width of the root protective zone
does not change during a certain growing period. This indicates that the deviation from the
width of the additional protection zone can be measured by the deviation from the width of the
protective zone.
The change in the additional protective zone is affected by the straightness of the rows of
plants, the kinematic parameters of the cultivator, soil properties, furrow profile, tractor driver
skills and much more.
It is well known from probability theory that the sum of many random variables
approximately obeys the law of normal distribution, even if these values are little interconnected.
Thus, for acceptance or rejection of reliability, the initial hypothesis that the deviation of the
additional protective zone obeys the law of normal distribution can be selected and verified by
the Pearson criterion.
Based on the statistics of processes when working on inter-row cultivation of row crops,
it is possible to construct graphs of normalized spectral densities of the width of the protective
zone and analyze the probability of damage to plants. Based on the statistical series of
deviations of the width of the protective zone compiled during the study, a histogram of the
distribution of deviations of the width of the protective zone and a graph of the theoretical
distribution density are constructed.
The permissible number of damaged plants is a prerequisite for the creation of
additional protective zones. The working body of the cultivator should be located at such a
distance from the plant so that the probability of approaching the value of the width of the root
zone does not exceed the value of the standard deviation. For this, it is necessary that the value
of the normal distribution function be equal to the standard deviation.
Mechanical Engineering
Based on the results obtained during experiments with a cultivator model, the hypothesis is
confirmed or refuted. If this is confirmed, an acceptable value for the width of the protection
zone is presented. Therefore, based on these studies, it is possible to determine the width of the
protective zone by inter-tilling of row crops.
Agrotexnik talablariga binoan ekinlar qator oralariga ishlov berishda kultivator ish
jarayoni sifati tuproqni bir tekis va aniq chuqurlikga yumshatishi, ekinlar oralaridagi begona
o„tlarni yo„q qilishi va ekinlarni shikastlanishi va tuproq bilan ko„milishiga yo„l qo„ymasligi
(ximoya zonasi kengligining mustaxkamligi) xisoblanadi. Agarda qator oralig„iga nisbatan
chekka ishchi organning izi qator oralig„ining chizig„ini taqlid qilgan bo„lsa, bu xolda,
kultivator eng yuqori sifatli ish jarayonini bajaradigan bo„ladi. Maqolada kultivatorning
bajarilayotgan ish jarayoni ma‟lumoti qaytadan ishlash modeli ko„rib chiqilgan, chopiq
kultivator agregatlarning ish jarayoni modellarida protsesslarining extimollik tavsiflari
keltirilgan.Tajriba kultivator agregat modeli asosida o„tkazildi. Bu modelga kultivator ishchi
organlari o„rniga chiziq chizuvchi moslamalar o„rnatiladi. Model yordamida koordinat
qog„oziga tushirilgan «o„simlik qatorlariga» kultivator bilan ishlov berish jarayoni imitasiya
qilinadi. Kultivator agregat modeli shunday boshqariladiki, moslama chizayotgan chiziq
(kultivator ishchi organi traektoriyasi) o„simlik qatoriga ekvidistant harakat qiladi. Ekin qator
orasini chopiq qilishda himoya zonasi ikki qismdan iborat: ildiz zonasi qiymati va qo„shimcha
ximoya zona qiymati. Qo„shimcha himoya zonasi qiymati chopiq vaqtida kultivator ishchi
organining qator oralariga ekvidistant harakatdan muqarrar og„ish kattaligiga bog„liq. Himoya
zonasi qiymatining xatoligi kultivator ishchi organi harakat vaqtidagi muqarrar og„ishidan
xosil bo„lgan xatolikga teng. CHunki ekinning ma‟lum bir rivojlanish davrida ildiz zonasi
qiymati o„zgarilmaydi. Bu hol qo„shimcha himoya zonasining xatoligini himoya zonasining
xatoligi orqali o„lchash mumkin ekanligini ko„rsatadi.Qo„shimcha himoya zonasi o„zgarishiga
o„simlik qatorlarining to„g„riligi, chopiq agregatining kinematik parametrlari, tuproq xossalari,
egat profili, traktorchining mahorati va boshqa sabablar ta‟sir etadi. Ehtimollik nazariyasidan
ma‟lumki yetarli darajada ko„p tasodifiy qiymatlar yig„indisi, agar u qiymatlar o„zaro bog„liq
bo„lmasa yoki oz miqdorda bog„liq bo„lgan chog„da ham, taxminan normal taqsimot qonuniga
bo„ysunadi. Demak qo„shimcha himoya zonasi xatoligi normal taqsimot qonuniga bo„ysunadi
degan dastlabki gipotezani tanlash mumkin va qabul yoki rad qilmoq uchun nazariy va statistik
taqsimotlarning muvofiqligi (Pirson mezoni) bilan tekshirish mumkin.Himoya zonasi o„lchami
xatoligining statistik qatori asosida himoya zonasi o„lchami xatoligining taqsimot gistogrammasi
va nazariy taqsimot zichligini grafigi quriladi.O„simliklar shikastlanishining ruxsat etilgan
miqdori qo„shimcha himoya zonasini belgilashda asosiy shartdir. Kultivator ishchi organni
o„simlikdan shunday masofada o„rnatish lozimki, uning o„simlikka ildiz zonasi qiymati
masofasidan ko„ra yaqinroq kelish ehtimoli o„rtacha kvadratik og„ishdan oshmasligi kerak.
Buning uchun normal taqsimot funksiyasining qiymati o„rtacha kvadratik og„ishiga teng
bo„lishini ta‟minlash lozim.Farazimiz kultivator agregat modeli asosida olingan tajriba
natijalariga mos yoki zid ekanligi ta‟kidlanadi. Agar mos bo„lsa shikastlanishning ruxsat etilgan
Mechanical Engineering
miqdoridan oshmaydigan himoya zonasi o„lchami ko„r satiladi. Bunga ko„ra kultivator
agregatlarining ekinga ishlov berishda himoya zonasi o„lchamini belgilash mumkin.
The main agrotechnical requirements for cultivators working between rows are as follows:
uniform of rows loosening between rows (stability of depth of loosening), complete destruction of
weeds in spacings and rows, absence of damage to cultivated plants in rows and falling asleep
with their soil (keeping the width of the protective zone). The highest quality of work will be if
the trace of the last to the row of the working body copies the line of the row. The article
presents a model for processing information when performing a cultivator technological
process, presents the results of the probabilistic characteristics of the processes in the
functioning models of cultivating aggregates.
The experiment was conducted on a cultivator model. The model is equipped with tracering
devices instead of the working bodies of the cultivator. Using the model, it is possible to imitate
the technological process of intertillage “inter-row of cultivated plants” on the coordinate sheet.
The movement of the model is carried out in such a way that the line drawn by the cultivator
tracer (trajectory of the working body) is equidistant to the line of the row of plants.
The width of the protective zone consists of two parts: the width of the root protective zone
and the width of the additional protective zone. The width of the additional protective zone
depends on the size of the inevitable deviation from the line of the row of plants during the
movement of the working body in the spacings. The deviation from the width of the additional
protective zone is equal to the deviation from the width of the permissible protective zone of the
working body when the cultivator moves. Since the value of the width of the root protective zone
does not change during a certain growing period. This indicates that the deviation from the
width of the additional protection zone can be measured by the deviation from the width of the
protective zone.
The change in the additional protective zone is affected by the straightness of the rows of
plants, the kinematic parameters of the cultivator, soil properties, furrow profile, tractor driver
skills and much more.
It is well known from probability theory that the sum of many random variables
approximately obeys the law of normal distribution, even if these values are little interconnected.
Thus, for acceptance or rejection of reliability, the initial hypothesis that the deviation of the
additional protective zone obeys the law of normal distribution can be selected and verified by
the Pearson criterion.
Based on the statistics of processes when working on inter-row cultivation of row crops,
it is possible to construct graphs of normalized spectral densities of the width of the protective
zone and analyze the probability of damage to plants. Based on the statistical series of
deviations of the width of the protective zone compiled during the study, a histogram of the
distribution of deviations of the width of the protective zone and a graph of the theoretical
distribution density are constructed.
The permissible number of damaged plants is a prerequisite for the creation of
additional protective zones. The working body of the cultivator should be located at such a
distance from the plant so that the probability of approaching the value of the width of the root
zone does not exceed the value of the standard deviation. For this, it is necessary that the value
of the normal distribution function be equal to the standard deviation.
Mechanical Engineering
Based on the results obtained during experiments with a cultivator model, the hypothesis is
confirmed or refuted. If this is confirmed, an acceptable value for the width of the protection
zone is presented. Therefore, based on these studies, it is possible to determine the width of the
protective zone by inter-tilling of row crops.
Основные агротехнические требования, предъявляемые к работе культиваторов
при междурядной обработке, следующие: равномерное рыхление междурядий (
стабильность глубины рыхления), полное уничтожение сорняков в междурядьях и рядках,
отсутствие повреждений культурных растений в рядках и засыпание их почвой
(выдержанность ширины защитной зоны). Наиболее высокое качество работы будет в
том случае, если след крайнего к рядку рабочего органа копирует линию рядка. В статье
представлена модель для обработки информации при выполнении технологического
процесса культиватора, приведены результаты вероятностных характеристик
процессов в моделях функционирования пропашных культиваторных агрегатов.
Эксперимент проводился на модели культиватора. Модель оснащена
самопишущими устройствами вместо рабочих органов культиватора. При помощи
модели можно на координатном листе имитировать технологический процесс
обработки междурядий культурных растений. Движение модели осуществляется таким
образом, что линия, вычерчиваемая самописцем культиватора (траектория рабочего
органа ), эквидистантна линии рядка растений.
Ширина защитной зоны состоит из двух частей: ширины прикорневой защитной
зоны и ширины дополнительной защитной зоны. Ширина дополнительной защитной зоны
зависит от величины неизбежного отклонения от линии рядка растений при движении
рабочего органа в междурядьях. Отклонение от ширины дополнительной защитной зоны
равно отклонению от ширины допустимой защитной зоны рабочего органа при
движении культиватора. Так как значение ширины прикорневой защитной зоны в
течение определенного периода выращивания не меняется,то это указывает, что
отклонение от ширины зоны дополнительной защиты можно измерить отклонением от
ширины защитной зоны.
На изменение дополнительной защитной зоны влияет прямолинейность рядков
растений, кинематические параметры пропашного культиватора, свойства почвы,
профиль борозды, навыки водителя трактора и многое другое.Из теории вероятностей
хорошо известно, что сумма многих случайных величин приблизительно подчиняется
закону нормального распределения, даже если эти значения мало взаимосвязаны между
собой.Таким образом, для принятия или отклонения достоверности, исходная гипотеза о
том, что отклонение дополнительной защитной зоны подчиняется закону нормального
распределения, может быть выбрана и проверена по критерию Пирсона.
На основании статистики процессов при работе на междурядной обработке
пропашных культур можно построить графики нормированных спектральных
плотностей ширины защитной зоны и сделать анализ вероятности повреждения
растений. На основе статистического ряда отклонения ширины защитной зоны,
составленного в ходе исследования, построена гистограмма распределения отклонения
ширины защитной зоны и график теоретической плотности распределения.
Допустимое количество поврежденных растений является обязательным
условием для создания дополнительных защитных зон.Рабочий орган культиватора
должен быть расположен на таком расстоянии от растения, чтобы вероятность
приближения к значению ширины прикорневой зоны не превышала значения
Mechanical Engineering
среднеквадратичного отклонения. Для этого необходимо, чтобы значение функции
нормального распределения было равно среднеквадратичному отклонению.
На основе результатов, полученных в ходе экспериментов с моделью
культиватора, подтверждается или опровергается предполагаемая гипотеза.
Если это подтверждается, предоставляется допустимое значение ширины
защитной зоны. На основании этих исследований можно определять ширину
защитной зоны при междурядной обработке растений.
№ | Muallifning F.I.Sh. | Lavozimi | Tashkilot nomi |
1 | Alimova F.A. | dotsent | TDTU |
2 | Primkulov B.S. | assistent | TDTU |
№ | Havola nomi |
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