This article highlights  in  the  teaching  foreign  language of  the analysis of  the 
specific  situation proposed by  the  teacher and additional  information materials, development of 
the optimal solution and presentation of this problem to the trained audience. 

  • Internet havola
  • DOI
  • UzSCI tizimida yaratilgan sana 11-02-2020
  • O'qishlar soni 184
  • Nashr sanasi 10-05-2019
  • Asosiy tilIngliz
  • Sahifalar223-227

This article highlights  in  the  teaching  foreign  language of  the analysis of  the 
specific  situation proposed by  the  teacher and additional  information materials, development of 
the optimal solution and presentation of this problem to the trained audience. 


В  данной  статье  освещено  в  преподавания  иностранному  языку 
анализа  предложенной  преподавателем  конкретной  ситуации  и  дополнительных 
информационных материалов, выработка оптимального решения и представление этой 
проблемы обучаемой аудитории. 


Ushbu  maqolada  xorijiy  tillarni  o’qitishda  o'qituvchi  tomonidan  taklif 
etilgan muayyan vaziyat va qo'shimcha axborot materiallarining tahlili, optimal yechimni ishlab 
chiqish va ushbu muammoni o'qitilayotgan auditoriyaga taqdim etish yoritilgan. 

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1 Atabayeva N.D. Toshkent arxitektutra va Qurilish Instituti
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