Different concepts of love and death in Shakespearian drama need a close study
about this theme. This article tries to find relation of between love and deep meaning of death as a
kind of devotion for real, selfish love that can lead to a kind of misunderstanding concept. These
elements form postmodern criticism and deconstructive view is a kind of binary opposition that
without each other, they will lose their meaning. Difficulty of Shakespearian plays and their themes
for the students of English language and literature needs a new ways of analysis for a better
understanding and interpreting of Shakespeare's plays
Different concepts of love and death in Shakespearian drama need a close study
about this theme. This article tries to find relation of between love and deep meaning of death as a
kind of devotion for real, selfish love that can lead to a kind of misunderstanding concept. These
elements form postmodern criticism and deconstructive view is a kind of binary opposition that
without each other, they will lose their meaning. Difficulty of Shakespearian plays and their themes
for the students of English language and literature needs a new ways of analysis for a better
understanding and interpreting of Shakespeare's plays
Shekspirning dramasida sevgi va o'lim tushunchalarining turlicha bayon
etilishi ushbu mavzuni chuqur o'rganish kerakligini taqozo etadi. Ushbu maqolada sevgi hamda
o'limning chuqur ma'nosi o'rtasidagi munosabatni diskursiv jihatdan tahlil qilinadi.Ushbu
elementlar postmodernist tanqidni shakllantiradi va dekonstruktiv nuqtai nazardan biri
ikkinchisidan alohida kelganda ma'nosini yo'qotadigan o'zaro qarama-qarshilikni anglatadi.
Shekspirning tragediyalari va ularning mavzularini ingliz va adabiyotida talabalari uchun
murakkabligi Shekspir pyesalarini yaxshiroq tushunish va talqin qilish uchun yangi tahlil
usullariga ehtiyoj borligini anglatadi.
Различные концепции любви и смерти в шекспировской драме
нуждаются в тщательном изучении этой темы. В этой статье делается попытка найти
связь между любовью и глубоким смыслом смерти как своего рода преданность настоящей,
эгоистичной любви, которая может привести к некоему недопониманию концепции. Эти
элементы формируют постмодернистскую критику, а деконструктивная точка зрения
представляет собой своего рода бинарную оппозицию, которая друг без друга потеряет НамДУ илмий ахборотномаси - Научный вестник НамГУ 2019 йил 3-сон
смысл. Сложность шекспировских пьес и их темы для студентов английского языка и
литературы нуждаются в новых способах анализа для лучшего понимания и
интерпретации пьес Шекспира...
№ | Muallifning F.I.Sh. | Lavozimi | Tashkilot nomi |
1 | Gaffarova D.V. | doktorant | NamSU |
№ | Havola nomi |
1 | Anson, John. 1990 “Julius Caesar” Shakespearean Criticism 7 volume New York Gale Researcher. |
2 | Batten house, Ray 1990W. “Macbeth” Shakespearean Criticism 3 volume New York Gale Researcher. |
3 | Booth, Stephen. 1988 “King Lear, Macbeth”, Identification and Tragedy New Haven. |
4 | Webster, Michael. "Cummings, Kennedy, and the Major / Minor Issue." Spring: The Journal of the E. E. Cummings Society 4 .1995. 76-82. |
5 | Wordsworth Dictionary of Mythology. 1991. Edinburgh: Wordsworth Editions Ltd. |