This article describes the physical and mechanical properties of rocks and their
water content, methods of drilling explosive wells, types of explosives used, type of
mortar used, method of blasting, total blasting time, weather conditions at the time of
blasting. The calculation of the parameters of dust and gas pollution of the
atmosphere during the visit has been considered.
This article describes the physical and mechanical properties of rocks and their
water content, methods of drilling explosive wells, types of explosives used, type of
mortar used, method of blasting, total blasting time, weather conditions at the time of
blasting. The calculation of the parameters of dust and gas pollution of the
atmosphere during the visit has been considered.
Calculation of parameters of dust and gas pollution in drilling and blasting
operations in quarries taking into account the physico-mechanical properties of rocks
and their water content, methods of drilling of explosive, the range of the used
explosives, the type of materials used in the upper part of the well, methods of
detonation, time of production of mass explosion, the weather conditions at the time
of the massive explosion.
№ | Author name | position | Name of organisation |
1 | Zairov S.S. | professor | Навоий давлат кончилик институти |
2 | Normatova M.J. | dotsent | Навоий давлат кончилик институти |
3 | Pardayeva S.B. | magistr | Навоий давлат кончилик институти |
№ | Name of reference |
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