Ushbu maqolada Turonzaminning bir bo‘lagi hisoblangan Ustrushonaning ko‘hna hududlaridan biri bo‘lgan Jizzax viloyatining Zomin va Baxmal tumanlari o‘zbek va qirg‘iz aholisining to‘y marosimlari iqtisodiy antropologik jihatdan tahlil qilingan. Shuningdek, XX asr davomida marosim iqtisodi oila daromadi va jamiyat ijtimoiy muhitga bog‘liq ekanligi ochib berilgan.

  • Web Address
  • DOI10.56292/SJFSU/vol28_iss4/a55
  • Date of creation in the UzSCI system09-11-2022
  • Read count179
  • Date of publication08-11-2022
  • Main LanguageO'zbek
  • Pages268-273

Ushbu maqolada Turonzaminning bir bo‘lagi hisoblangan Ustrushonaning ko‘hna hududlaridan biri bo‘lgan Jizzax viloyatining Zomin va Baxmal tumanlari o‘zbek va qirg‘iz aholisining to‘y marosimlari iqtisodiy antropologik jihatdan tahlil qilingan. Shuningdek, XX asr davomida marosim iqtisodi oila daromadi va jamiyat ijtimoiy muhitga bog‘liq ekanligi ochib berilgan.


В данной статье с хозяйственно-антропологической точки зрения анализируются свадебные обряды узбекских и кыргызских жителей Зааминского и Бахмальского районов Джизакской области, одного из старых районов Уструшены, считающегося частью Туронзамина. Также выявлено, в течение ХХ века ритуальная экономика зависело от доходов семьи и социальной среды общины.


This article analyzes the wedding ceremonies of the Uzbek and Kyrgyz residents of the Zааmin and Bakhmal districts of the Jizzakh region, one of the old districts of Ustrushena, considered part of Turonzamin, from an economic and anthropological point of view. It was also revealed that during the 20th century the ritual economy depended on the income of the family and the social environment of the community.

Author name position Name of organisation
1 Bababekov A.D. 1 National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulugbek
Name of reference
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