Applying 120-130 thousand seedlings per hectare of cotton varieties in the soil-washed part of irrigated eroded lands leads to an increase in cotton yield, and in the part of the slope where soil particles are washed away, high seedling thickness leads to a decrease in cotton yield. In this part, the seedling thickness of cotton varieties is 80-90 thousand bushes / ha with high yields.Applying 120-130 thousand seedlings per hectare of cotton varieties in the soil-washed part of irrigated eroded lands leads to an increase in cotton yield, and in the part of the slope where soil particles are washed away, high seedling thickness leads to a decrease in cotton yield. In this part, the seedling thickness of cotton varieties is 80-90 thousand bushes / ha with high yields.
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1 | Xoshimov I.N. | қ.-х.ф.н. | ТошДАУ Андижон филиали |
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