• Internet havola
  • DOI
  • UzSCI tizimida yaratilgan sana 05-10-2020
  • O'qishlar soni 677
  • Nashr sanasi 03-02-2020
  • Asosiy tilO'zbek
  • Sahifalar42-43
Kalit so'z

Conducting plant topping in time and achieving optimal plant densities of new, perspective and released cotton varieties are very important. Impact of plant topping in different plant densities on seed-lint yield of cotton were presented in article

Kalit so'z
Havola nomi
1 1. Дала тажрибаларини ўтказиш услублари, ЎзПИТИ, Тошкент, 2007.–Б. 145.
2 2. Доспехов Б. Методика полевого опыта. Москва. 1985. –С. 268-285.
3 3. Шайхов Э.Т., Нормухамедов Н, Шлейхер А.И., Азизов Ш.Ғ., Лев В.Т., Абдурашидова Л.Х. Пахтачилик. –Тошкент: Меҳнат, 1990. –168 б.