Si <B, P> and Si <B, P+Ni> structures with a deep p–n-junctions (30 microns) were obtained by diffusion doping. It is shown that the parameters of silicon solar cells with a deep-lying p-n junction are improved by Nickel doping. Influence of additional temperature annealing at different temperatures of samples with clusters of Nickel atoms in the silicon lattice was investigated and optimal conditions for cluster formation were determined

  • Internet havola
  • DOI
  • UzSCI tizimida yaratilgan sana 19-11-2020
  • O'qishlar soni 0
  • Nashr sanasi 28-10-2020
  • Asosiy tilIngliz
  • Sahifalar45-52

Si <B, P> and Si <B, P+Ni> structures with a deep p–n-junctions (30 microns) were obtained by diffusion doping. It is shown that the parameters of silicon solar cells with a deep-lying p-n junction are improved by Nickel doping. Influence of additional temperature annealing at different temperatures of samples with clusters of Nickel atoms in the silicon lattice was investigated and optimal conditions for cluster formation were determined


Диффузионным способом легирования получены структуры Si <B, P> и Si <B, P+Ni> с глубоким pn-переходом (30 мкм). Показано, что параметры кремниевых фотоэлементов с глубокозалегающим pn-переходом улучшаются за счет легирования никелем. Исследовано влияние дополнительного температурного отжига при разных температурах образцов на формирование кластеров атомов никеля в решетке кремния и определены оптимальные условия для кластерообразования

Havola nomi
1 Яримўтказгичлар физикаси ва микроэлектроника