This article contains materials on use of water-saving irrigation technologies in order to save water resources under water shortage conditions. For this purpose, in the Surkhan-Sherabad oasis in the conditions of desert-sandy soils using low-pressure drip irrigation technology for repeated oil crops - elements of a new drip irrigation technology were studied. The results of the research carried out are presented and conclusions are given on the establishment of the parameters of the drip system technique and irrigation technology for growing soybeans and sunflower.
№ | Muallifning F.I.Sh. | Lavozimi | Tashkilot nomi |
1 | Mamataliyev A.. | доценти | ТИҚХММИ |
№ | Havola nomi |
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3 | 3. Изучение и внедрение получения высокого урожая масличных культур при использовании низконапорной капельной технологии ТИИМ. НТО, ТИИМ -Ташкент, 2011. 115 стр. |