Convective drying refers to one of the energy-intensive processes used
in chemical, woodworking, food and other industries. Therefore, in modern conditions,
when there is a growing shortage and an increase in energy tariffs, it is important to
develop and apply new effective methods of drying wet materials in industrial
production, create high-performance drying equipment, improve the operation of
existing dryers, which will contribute to the rational use of natural resources, reduce the
cost of finished products and increase the competitiveness of production. Root crops
are plants in which nutrients are concentrated in tubers or roots. Jerusalem artichoke
refers to sugar-containing tubers, and beets, carrots, turnips, turnips, rutabagas,
parsnips and couscous belong to root crops. These products are widely used for human
and animal nutrition. Long-term storage of root crops in raw form requires large energy
costs to maintain optimal temperature, humidity, gas composition in the storage and
some other parameters. Even when maintaining optimal storage parameters, part of the
crop spoils, and the other part loses its biologically active substances due to the natural
processes of vital activity occurring in root crops. There are quite a few ways to store
root crops. The high content of water and carbohydrates in root crops makes it difficult
to preserve them. The cells of roots and tubers breathe during storage; enzymatic
processes do not stop in them. With an increase in temperature and humidity of the air,
the intensity of respiration increases, the loss of organic substances and vitamins
Convective drying refers to one of the energy-intensive processes used
in chemical, woodworking, food and other industries. Therefore, in modern conditions,
when there is a growing shortage and an increase in energy tariffs, it is important to
develop and apply new effective methods of drying wet materials in industrial
production, create high-performance drying equipment, improve the operation of
existing dryers, which will contribute to the rational use of natural resources, reduce the
cost of finished products and increase the competitiveness of production. Root crops
are plants in which nutrients are concentrated in tubers or roots. Jerusalem artichoke
refers to sugar-containing tubers, and beets, carrots, turnips, turnips, rutabagas,
parsnips and couscous belong to root crops. These products are widely used for human
and animal nutrition. Long-term storage of root crops in raw form requires large energy
costs to maintain optimal temperature, humidity, gas composition in the storage and
some other parameters. Even when maintaining optimal storage parameters, part of the
crop spoils, and the other part loses its biologically active substances due to the natural
processes of vital activity occurring in root crops. There are quite a few ways to store
root crops. The high content of water and carbohydrates in root crops makes it difficult
to preserve them. The cells of roots and tubers breathe during storage; enzymatic
processes do not stop in them. With an increase in temperature and humidity of the air,
the intensity of respiration increases, the loss of organic substances and vitamins
№ | Muallifning F.I.Sh. | Lavozimi | Tashkilot nomi |
1 | Ergasheva Z.K. | teacher | TSTU |
2 | Ozcelik B.. | teacher | Istanbul Technical Universit |
№ | Havola nomi |
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