This article highlights the use of the e-portfolio system to the
development of professional competence of pedagogical stuff. The article suggests the
effectiveness of the e-portfolio in managing of monitoring the professional activities of
pedagogical staff and popularization of pedagogical experiences. The personality of the
pedagogue plays an important role in every higher education institution. For this reason,
the formation of an electronic database of the results of teachers' professional activities
is of great importance in the process of hiring specialists or assessment of the potential
of pedagogical staff.
To achieve these goals, we have presented the results of research work on the
development and implementation of an electronic portfolio system of executives and
pedagogical staff of higher education institutions. As well as describes the
circumstances for the introduction of the electronic portfolio system, its types and
objectives, as well as the experience of foreign countries in this area. The proposed
electronic portfolio system is formed as an integrated system that monitors the results of
professional activities, professional development processes of executives and
pedagogical staff.
Also, its model is presented. The developed electronic portfolio system assesses
the professional activity of executives and pedagogical staff of higher education
institutions on the basis of a rating system. There are also criteria for assessing the
results of professional activity. The article studies the results of professional activities of
more than 20,000 executives and pedagogical staff of higher education institutions in
2017-2020. The data were analyzed in terms of areas of education and activities, and
the results are presented in the form of tables and diagrams.

  • Internet havola
  • DOI
  • UzSCI tizimida yaratilgan sana 05-09-2022
  • O'qishlar soni 133
  • Nashr sanasi 30-06-2022
  • Asosiy tilIngliz
  • Sahifalar59-66

This article highlights the use of the e-portfolio system to the
development of professional competence of pedagogical stuff. The article suggests the
effectiveness of the e-portfolio in managing of monitoring the professional activities of
pedagogical staff and popularization of pedagogical experiences. The personality of the
pedagogue plays an important role in every higher education institution. For this reason,
the formation of an electronic database of the results of teachers' professional activities
is of great importance in the process of hiring specialists or assessment of the potential
of pedagogical staff.
To achieve these goals, we have presented the results of research work on the
development and implementation of an electronic portfolio system of executives and
pedagogical staff of higher education institutions. As well as describes the
circumstances for the introduction of the electronic portfolio system, its types and
objectives, as well as the experience of foreign countries in this area. The proposed
electronic portfolio system is formed as an integrated system that monitors the results of
professional activities, professional development processes of executives and
pedagogical staff.
Also, its model is presented. The developed electronic portfolio system assesses
the professional activity of executives and pedagogical staff of higher education
institutions on the basis of a rating system. There are also criteria for assessing the
results of professional activity. The article studies the results of professional activities of
more than 20,000 executives and pedagogical staff of higher education institutions in
2017-2020. The data were analyzed in terms of areas of education and activities, and
the results are presented in the form of tables and diagrams.

Havola nomi
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