This article emphasizes the importance of efficient movement of rolling
stock and the coefficient of friction between wheels and rails when using them. The
factors influencing the friction of the wheel against the rails are considered. The spots
formed under the action of vertical forces on the contact surfaces of wheels and rails
were revealed. Contact spots and fiber shear were detected under the action of torque.
The intermolecular forces of the fibers resist shear, resulting in shear stresses. These
stresses, in turn, create a traction force applied to the wheel contact point and forces
transmitted in the opposite direction. The analysis of dry friction, sliding friction and
static friction in the contact zone is considered. Studies have shown that in order to
increase the value of the adhesion coefficient, it is necessary to increase the contact
surface area, increase the wheel diameter, the radius of the rail head surface, create a
special tire profile, increase the tensile strength of wheel tires and rails, based on the
fact that it can be achieved by preparing from existing materials. Was carried out
according to the coefficient of adhesion. V.Ya. Naumov, N. N Menshutin, A. A
Rengevich and the experiments carried out by the O. M Yansons were studied. As a
result of these studies, the dependence of the coefficient of adhesion of the wheel to the
rails on the speed of movement was considered. Accordingly, it has been found that the
traction coefficient decreases with increasing speed
This article emphasizes the importance of efficient movement of rolling
stock and the coefficient of friction between wheels and rails when using them. The
factors influencing the friction of the wheel against the rails are considered. The spots
formed under the action of vertical forces on the contact surfaces of wheels and rails
were revealed. Contact spots and fiber shear were detected under the action of torque.
The intermolecular forces of the fibers resist shear, resulting in shear stresses. These
stresses, in turn, create a traction force applied to the wheel contact point and forces
transmitted in the opposite direction. The analysis of dry friction, sliding friction and
static friction in the contact zone is considered. Studies have shown that in order to
increase the value of the adhesion coefficient, it is necessary to increase the contact
surface area, increase the wheel diameter, the radius of the rail head surface, create a
special tire profile, increase the tensile strength of wheel tires and rails, based on the
fact that it can be achieved by preparing from existing materials. Was carried out
according to the coefficient of adhesion. V.Ya. Naumov, N. N Menshutin, A. A
Rengevich and the experiments carried out by the O. M Yansons were studied. As a
result of these studies, the dependence of the coefficient of adhesion of the wheel to the
rails on the speed of movement was considered. Accordingly, it has been found that the
traction coefficient decreases with increasing speed
№ | Muallifning F.I.Sh. | Lavozimi | Tashkilot nomi |
1 | Mamaev S.I. | teacher | TSTU |
2 | Djanikulov A.T. | teacher | TSTU |
3 | Kasimov O.T. | teacher | TSTU |
4 | Grishenko A.V. | teacher | Peterburg state university of railway transport of the Emperor AlexanderI |
№ | Havola nomi |
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