Today, in the conditions of Uzbekistan, there is no complex technology for the processing of industrial waste and the extraction of rare and precious metals at the JSC "AGMK" with small amounts of rare metals. The presence of man -made waste containing platinum, palladium and rhodium in AGMK JSC indicates that the plant can manage the production industry, processing waste for several years without processing ore. A deep hydrometallurgical complex technology for the extraction of platinum and palladium with multistage refining processes has been developed.
Сегодня в условиях Узбекистана отсутствует комплексная технология переработки техногенных отходов и извлечения редких и драгоценных металлов на АО «АГМК» с небольшими количествами редких металлов. Н аличие в АО «АГМК» техногенных отходов, содержащих платину, палладий и родий, указывает на то, что завод может управлять производственной отраслью, перерабатывая отходов в течение нескольких лет без переработки руды. Разработана глубокая гидрометаллургичес кая комплексная технология извлечения платины и палладия с многоступенчатыми процессамира финирование.
№ | Muallifning F.I.Sh. | Lavozimi | Tashkilot nomi |
1 | Vohidov B.R. | Head of the "Metallurgical" Department | Navoi State Mining and Technological University |
2 | Sirojov T.T. | Senior Lecturer | Navoi State Mining and Technological University |
3 | Babayev M.S. | Doctoral student | Navoi branch of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan |
4 | Mamaraimov G.F. | Senior Lecturer | Navoi State Mining and Technological University |
5 | Yandashev A.A. | Master | Navoi State Mining and Technological University |
№ | Havola nomi |
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2 | Vokhidov B.R., Khasanov A.S. Researching the techn ology of extracting platinum and palladium from man - made wastes of the copper industry // Scientific and technical journal of the Ministry of Innovative Development "Scienc e and Innovative Development" Tashkent 2021. December 6. 2021 p.56 - 68. |
3 | B..R. Vokhidov New horizons processing of technogenic waste of the copper industry // (№23 The American Journal of Applied sciences) // Volume 04 issue 05 Pages: 42- 51. SJIF Impact factor (2021: 5. 634) (2022: 6. 176). |
4 | Khursanov A.Kh., Khasanov A.S., Abdukadirov A.A., Vokhidov B.R. Technology platinoidov [Platinoid technology]. Tashkent, "Muharrir" Publ., 2021. 29, 33,88,216,217 p. |
5 | Khursanov A.H., Khasanov A.S., Abdukadirov A.A., Usmankulov O.N., Vokhidov B.R., Askarov B.M., Umaraliev I.S., Abduvaitov D.S. (vsego 8 chel.). Sposob izvlecheniya affinirovannogo palladievogo porushka ot otra-botannyx electrolytov. [Method for recovering refined palladium powder from spent electrolytes]. Patent Application No. IAP 20190183. Priority on 04/30/2019. |
6 | Vokhidov B.R., Khasanov A.S. Razrabotka sposoba achistka palladievogo powder horse primesey. [Development of a method for purification of palladium powder from impurities]. Mejdunarodnaya nauchno- technicheskaya conference. "Science and Innovation", Tashkent, November 1, 2019. p. 261-263. |
7 | Vokhidov B.R. Razrabotka tekhnologii polucheniya platinovikh metallov iz tekhnogennix otkhodov [Development of technology for obtaining platinum metals from industrial waste]. Nauchno-methodicheskiy zurnal Evraziyskiy soyuz uchenix (YeSU): Moscow, 2020. June #6(75). p. 38-46. |