№ | Muallifning F.I.Sh. | Lavozimi | Tashkilot nomi |
1 | Masharipov M.N. | Dotsent | Tashkent State Transport University |
2 | Rasulov M.. | Professor | Tashkent State Transport University |
3 | Bozorov R.S. | Doctoral student | Tashkent State Transport University |
№ | Havola nomi |
1 | 1. INSTRUCTION “On the procedure for servicing and organizing the passage of high-speed electric trains “Afrosiyob” on public railway tracks on the section Tashkent–Samarkand–Karshi, Tashkent –Samarkand – Bukhara”, –Tashkent: JSC “Uzbekistan Railways” 2016. –Text : immediate. (In Russian). |
2 | 2. Bozorov R.Sh. Methods for the efficient use of the capacity of sections in the conditions of the passage of high-speed passenger trains / Bozorov R.Sh., Rasulov M.Kh., Bekzhanova S.E., Masharipov M.N. –Text : immediate // Railway transport: Topical issues and innovations. –2021. – №. 2. –p. 5–22. (In Russian). |
3 | 3. Order of “Uzbekistan Railways” JSC “On setting the permissible speeds of high-speed “Afrosiyob” electric trains” May 5, 2022, Order No. 392-N. |
4 | 4. Record of determination of interstation (peregon) participation times of freight trains. TsDL form No. 3 to the 2021 train schedule. December 24, 2021. |
5 | 5. Bozorov R.S., Rasulov M.X., Masharipov M.N. Research on the aerodynamics of highspeed trains // Universum: Technical science : electronic scientific journal. 2022, № 6(99). |
6 | 6. Bozorov R. Sh. Aerodynamic impact of the high-speed electric train «Afrosiyob» on opposite trains. Journal of Transsib Railway Studies, 2022, no. 2 (50), pp. 10. (In Russian). |
7 | 7. Marufdjan X. Rasulov, Masud N. Masharipov, Ramazon S. Bozorov. Investigation of mutual aerodynamic influence of high-speed passenger and freight trains moving on adjacent tracks. Journal Innotrans, Scientific and nonfiction edition no 2 (44), 2022, pp. 42. |
8 | 8. Bozorov R.Sh. A new method for calculating the time and speed of a wagon during its movement on the site of the first brake position of a marshalling hump under the influence of a headwind / Bozorov R.Sh., Saidivaliev Sh.U., Shermatov E.S. –Text : immediate // Issues of Sustainable Development of Society. 2021, №. 6. pp. 575–586. (In Russian). |
9 | 9. Popov P.A., Improvement of control methods and algorithms in systems of interval control of train traffic using a radio channel. dissertation of candidate of technical sciences. SPb.: FGBOU VO PGPUS, 2014. pp. 31-41. |
10 | 10. Traction calculation rules for train operation. Moscow, Тransport, 1985. P. 287 |
11 | 11. Boltaev S.T. Determining the moments of timely preparation of high-speed train routes at the stations of mixed traffic lines. Vestnik Rostovskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta putej soobshcheniya. 2017, Issue 2, pp. 45-50. |
12 | 12. S. T. Boltayev, R. B. Abdullaev, B. G. Ergashov and B. Q. Hasanov, "Simulation of a Safe Train Traffic Management System at the Stations," 2022 Conference of Russian Young Researchers in Electrical and Electronic Engineering (ElConRus), 2022, pp. 566-571, doi: 10.1109/ElConRus54750.2022.9755616. |
13 | 13. Rasulov M.X., Analysis of the degree of infl uence of the removal rate of passenger trains for the passage of freight trains on double-track. Innotrans Scientific-and-nonfiction edition № 2 (40), 2021, Issue 2 (40). pp. 59-64. |
14 | 14. Bozorov R. Sh. A new method of calculating time and speed of a carriage during its movement on the section of the first brake position of a marshaling hump when exposed headwind / Sh. U. Saidivaliev, R. Sh. Bozorov, E. S. Shermatov // STUDENT eISSN: 2658-4964, 2021, no. 9. |
15 | 15. Bozorov R.Sh. On the absence of a theoretical basis for the formula for determining the height of the first profile section of the sorting hump / Bozorov R.Sh., Saidivaliev Sh.U., Jabbarov Sh.B. and oth. –Text : immediate. // Innovations. The science. Education. 2021, No. 34. p. 1467– 1481. (In Russian). |
16 | 16. Abliyalimov O.S. To the study of the process of movement of high-speed trains in curved sections of railways / Journal of Transsib Railway Studies, 2014, no. 4 (20), pp. 2-10. (In Russian |
17 | 17. Bozorov R.Sh. Study to establish the optimal number of platforms in a container train / R.Sh. Bozorov, Sh.U. Saidivaliev, E.S. Shermatov, D.Sh. Boboev // Transport: science, equipment, management. 2022, Issue 5. pp. 24 - 28. ISSN 0236-1914. |
18 | 18. Saidivaliev Sh.U. A new method of calculating time and speed of a carriage during its movement on the section of the first brake position of a marshaling hump when exposed headwind / Sh.U. Saidivaliev, R.Sh. Bozorov, E.S. Shermatov // Issues of Sustainable Development of the Society. 2021, №6. pp. 575-586. |
19 | 19. Shukhrat Saidivaliev, Ramazon Bozorov, Elbek Shermatov. Kinematic characteristics of the car movement from the top to the calculation point of the marshalling hump. E3S Web of Conferences 264, 05008 (2021) https://doi.org/10.1051/e3sconf/202126405008 |
20 | 20. Abdullaev Z., Rasulov M., & Masharipov M. (2021). Features of determining capacity on double-way lines when passing high-speed passenger trains. In E3S Web of Conferences (Vol. 264, p. 05002). EDP Sciences. |
21 | 21. Rasulov M., Masharipov M., & Ismatullaev A. (2021). Optimization of the terminal operating mode during the formation of a container block train. In E3S Web of Conferences (Vol. 264, p. 05025). EDP Sciences. |