Ishdan asosiy maqsad temir yo‘l platformasiga ortilgan avtotransport vositasiga ta’sir ko‘rsatuvchi kuchlarni aniqlash va ularni tizimlashtirishdan iborat. Ushbu maqolada yuklarni kontreyler tashishlar asosida xavfsizlik talablarini ta’minlash tahlillari olib borilgan. Tadqiqotda tashilayotgan yukning massasiga bog‘liq holda ta’sir qiluvchi kuchlarning tahlili hisobiga mahkamlash vositalari turini tanlash imkoniyatlari ko‘rib chiqilgan. Tashish turlarini tadqiq qilish sifatida avtopoyezd tashish, tirkama tashish, avtomobil transportida tashish va temir yo‘l transportidagi yarim tirkamalarni tashishda ta’sir qiluvchi kuchlarning turg‘unlikni ta’minlash shartlarini asoslashda yarim tirkamlarni yetkazib berish tanlangan. Ta’sir qiluvchi kuchlarning natijalovchilarini aniqlash yordamida mahkamlash vositalari sonini va talablarini belgilash imkoniyati yaratilgan.
Ishdan asosiy maqsad temir yo‘l platformasiga ortilgan avtotransport vositasiga ta’sir ko‘rsatuvchi kuchlarni aniqlash va ularni tizimlashtirishdan iborat. Ushbu maqolada yuklarni kontreyler tashishlar asosida xavfsizlik talablarini ta’minlash tahlillari olib borilgan. Tadqiqotda tashilayotgan yukning massasiga bog‘liq holda ta’sir qiluvchi kuchlarning tahlili hisobiga mahkamlash vositalari turini tanlash imkoniyatlari ko‘rib chiqilgan. Tashish turlarini tadqiq qilish sifatida avtopoyezd tashish, tirkama tashish, avtomobil transportida tashish va temir yo‘l transportidagi yarim tirkamalarni tashishda ta’sir qiluvchi kuchlarning turg‘unlikni ta’minlash shartlarini asoslashda yarim tirkamlarni yetkazib berish tanlangan. Ta’sir qiluvchi kuchlarning natijalovchilarini aniqlash yordamida mahkamlash vositalari sonini va talablarini belgilash imkoniyati yaratilgan.
The main goal of the work is to determine the forces affecting the vehicle loaded on the railway platform and to systematize them. In this article, analyzes of security requirements are carried out on the basis of cargo transportation. In the study, the options for choosing the type of fastening means were considered based on the analysis of the forces acting on the mass of the transported load. Transportation of semitrailers was chosen as a study of the types of transport, based on the stability conditions of the forces acting on the transportation of semi-trailers in rail transport, truck transport, trailer transport, road transport and semi-trailer transport. It is possible to determine the number and requirements of fastening means by determining the results of the influencing forces.
№ | Muallifning F.I.Sh. | Lavozimi | Tashkilot nomi |
1 | Adilova Z.G. | professor | Toshkent davlat transport universiteti |
2 | Boboyev D.S. | assistent | Toshkent davlat transport universiteti |
3 | Axtamov N.B. | tayanch doktorant | Toshkent davlat transport universiteti |
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