• Internet havola
  • DOI
  • UzSCI tizimida yaratilgan sana 10-12-2019
  • O'qishlar soni 685
  • Nashr sanasi 16-09-2019
  • Asosiy tilO'zbek
  • Sahifalar59-60
Kalit so'z

In thispaperresulted care нетелями before and after отела in ours conditions. The Delivery room is designed only for maternity, to contain in them a cow all prepatremonial the season it is impossible. Successful labours of an alive calf and appropriate care of it within the first hours are the first steps to health and good growth of an animal. Our purpose in that animals have got to dairy herd, capable to make the greatest profit.

Kalit so'z
Havola nomi
1 1. Акмалхонов Ш.А. Биологические и зоотехнические основы ведения молочного скотоводства в Узбекистане. Т. «Мехнат», 1992, 271 с.
2 2. Гоглова О.В., Абрампалский Ф.Н. Журнал “Зоотехния”. 2010, № 4, с.18-19
3 3. Дедов М.Д., Сивкин Н.В. Увелечение производства молока и повышение его качества в летний период. Журнал “Зоотехния”, 2004 №8, с. 21-24.
4 Интернет сайтлари: www.zzr.ru, www.agronews.ru, www.apk-inform.com/animalstat, www.biblus.ru, www.das.psu.edu/reproduction/check/pdf/terminol, www.cattle-breeding.com/, www.wcorridor.com/BusinessMatching/Cattle, www.newsentralasia.com/modules.php, www.beef-mag.com/mag/beef_cattle_breeding_technologies/, www.eurotier.de/754.0.html