Мақолада Фарғона водийсидаги дарахт ва буталар аскомицет-микромицетларининг таксономик таҳлили ва хўжайин ўсимликларининг рўйхати келтирилган. Микологик таҳлилларга кўра, ушбу ҳудудда 2 бўлим, 4 синф, 9 қабила, 17 оила, 31 туркумга мансуб 70 та тур аниқланди. Аскомицет-микромицетларнинг Botryosphaeriaceae, Erysiphaceae, Camarosporiaceae, Coniothyriaceae, Venturiaceae, Valsaceae каби турлари кенг тарқалган. Шунингдек, микромицетлар 15 оила, 28 туркумга мансуб 86 та дарахт ва буталарда учраши қайд этилган.


  • Internet havola
  • DOI
  • UzSCI tizimida yaratilgan sana 17-12-2019
  • O'qishlar soni 886
  • Nashr sanasi 17-12-2019
  • Asosiy tilO'zbek
  • Sahifalar13-21

Мақолада Фарғона водийсидаги дарахт ва буталар аскомицет-микромицетларининг таксономик таҳлили ва хўжайин ўсимликларининг рўйхати келтирилган. Микологик таҳлилларга кўра, ушбу ҳудудда 2 бўлим, 4 синф, 9 қабила, 17 оила, 31 туркумга мансуб 70 та тур аниқланди. Аскомицет-микромицетларнинг Botryosphaeriaceae, Erysiphaceae, Camarosporiaceae, Coniothyriaceae, Venturiaceae, Valsaceae каби турлари кенг тарқалган. Шунингдек, микромицетлар 15 оила, 28 туркумга мансуб 86 та дарахт ва буталарда учраши қайд этилган.



Статья посвящена изучению аскомицет-микромицетов, распространённых на деревьях и кустарниках Ферганской долины, дан их таксономический анализ и список растений-хозяинов. По микологическому анализу на данной территории встречаются 70 видов, относящихся к 2 отделам, 4 классам, 9 порядкам, 17 семействам и 31 роду. Доминируют и широкораспростраены виды семейств Botryosphoriaceae, Erysiphaceae, родов Diplodia, Phyllactinia и Podosphaera. Также предостовлены 86 видов микромицет, относящихся к 15 семействам, 20 порядкам, встречающихся на деревьях и кустарниках.



This article is devoted to the study of ascomisets-micromisets of trees and shrubs common in the Fergana valley, their taxonomic analysis and the list of dominant plants.

The Fergana valley is located in the Eastern part of Uzbekistan, bordering Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan. The Northern part of the valley is surrounded by the Kurama, Chotkol ridges, the southern side-the Olay and Turkestan ridges, the Eastern side-the Ferghana ridges. The General view of Fergana valley is oval, administratively unites Namangan, Andijan and Fergana regions.

It is known that the main pathogens of plant diseases are microscopic fungi that live on plants without saprotroph and parasite and have a negative or positive impact on the ecosystem. Of these, parasites/pathogenic micromycetes develop predominantly on living plants, causing various fungal diseases in them. Cancer-necrosis, decay, various kidney diseases, especially cultural and natural trees and shrubs, cause huge economic damage to the world.

Mycological research has been conducted on ascomycetous microfungi of trees and shrubs in the Fergana valley. The taxonomic details and a list of fungi and host plants are provided. According to the taxonomic analysis of our fungi, 2 divisions, 4 classes, 9 orders, 17 families and 31 genera and 70 species were identified. The Dothideomycetes is most dominant in the region with 4 orders, 8 families, 14 genera and 30 species (42.7%) followed by Leotiomycetes (26 species, 37.4%), Sordariomycetes (10 species, 14.2%) and Taphrinomycetes (4 species, 5.7%). The largest genera are Diplodia, Phyllactinia, Podosphaera, Camarosporium, Coniothyrium, Venturia, Erysiphe, Cytospora and Taphrina. Multi-host microfungi were also found in the study area. Coniothyrium olivaceum was recorded on nine hosts species (Ulmus androssowii, U. densa, U. pumila, U. campestris, Salix alba, Populus pyramidalis, Styphnolobium japonicum, Juglans regia, Fraxinus excelsior). Leucostoma persoonii were found on six host plant species namely Pistacia vera, Ulmus androssowii, Prunus mahaleb, Acer tataricum subsp., semenovii and Crataegus pseudoheterophylla subsp. turkestanica). The ascomycetous microfungi are identified on 15 families, 28 genera and 86 trees and shrubs species. Microfungi were mostly reported on host plants of the families Rosaceae, Ulmaceae, Salicaceae and Sapindaceae. The highest number of ascomycetous species causing fungal diseases such as powdery mildew, rust and other spot diseases is reported in the following host genera: Prunus, Populus, Salix, Acer, Ulmus, Crataegus and Malus.

Scientific studies conducted in the Fergana valley have shown that the spread of some species of pathogenic fungi is seasonal. The arrival of spring Seregin, the regular appearance of moderate winds led to the rapid spread and active development of pathogenic micromycetes through the hyphae.

Muallifning F.I.Sh. Lavozimi Tashkilot nomi
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2 Dhandevi P.. doktorant Maye Fa Luang universiteti
3 Gaff orov Y.S. katta ilmiy xodim O'zFA Biologiya instituti
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