Мақолада ғўза интрогрессив дурагай шакллари чигитларининг унувчанлиги ва барг намуналари чидамлилигига Verticillium dahliaе Kleb. фитопатоген микромицет намуналаридан тайёрланган биоматериалларнинг таъсирини аниқлаш борасида олиб борилган изланиш натижалари келтирилган. Мураккаб дурагай шаклларининг Verticillium dahliaе Kleb.  фитопатоген микромицетидан ажратилган микотоксинларга чидамлилик потенциали юқори эканлиги аниқланди. Мураккаб дурагай шакллар генетик-селекцион изланишларнинг самарадорлигини оширишда муҳим аҳамият касб этади.


  • Internet havola
  • DOI
  • UzSCI tizimida yaratilgan sana 18-12-2019
  • O'qishlar soni 373
  • Nashr sanasi 17-12-2019
  • Asosiy tilO'zbek
  • Sahifalar82-91

Мақолада ғўза интрогрессив дурагай шакллари чигитларининг унувчанлиги ва барг намуналари чидамлилигига Verticillium dahliaе Kleb. фитопатоген микромицет намуналаридан тайёрланган биоматериалларнинг таъсирини аниқлаш борасида олиб борилган изланиш натижалари келтирилган. Мураккаб дурагай шаклларининг Verticillium dahliaе Kleb.  фитопатоген микромицетидан ажратилган микотоксинларга чидамлилик потенциали юқори эканлиги аниқланди. Мураккаб дурагай шакллар генетик-селекцион изланишларнинг самарадорлигини оширишда муҳим аҳамият касб этади.



В статье приведены результаты проведенных исследований по определению влияния биоматериалов, полученных из образца фитопатогенных микромицет Verticillium dahliae Kleb., на устойчивость листьев растений и на всхожесть семян интрогрессивных гибридных форм хлопчатника. Обнаружена высокая устойчивость сложных гибридных форм к микотоксинам, выделенным из фитопатогенного микромицета Verticillium dahliae Kleb. Сложные гибридные формы играют важную роль в повышении эффективности исследований генетического отбора.



Using genital hybridization and experimental polyploidy methods, the gene pool of cotton combines unique signs in the world. Special attention is paid to enrichment of diseases that are resistant to diseases and pests and adapt to various ambient conditions. Special attention is paid to enrichment of diseases that are resistant to diseases and pests and adapt to various ambient conditions.

Nowadays the creation of new selection varieties of agricultural crops adapted to local soil, climatic and ecological conditions of various varieties of cotton varieties (Verticillium dahliae, Fusarium oxysporum), pest and insects (Aphis gossupii, Apolygus lucorum, T.turkestanii Ud.et. – Nik) is one of the most pressing problems.

Based on the above information, the Verticillium dahliae Kleb.we carrived out research work on the level of durability with phytopathogenic micromycetes.

During the studies, samples of fungi were grown for 15 days at the temperature of 25-270 C in 250 ml of sausage in a Chapek-Doksa feed medium in 100 ml of volume. After the end of the cultivation process, it was filtered to separate the mycelium from the nutrient medium. The effect of toxins in the cultural fluid of fungi was tested against 30 seeds of plants. Of the 30 seeds that were chosen for study, they were injected into the cultural fluid of fungi for a day.

The mitotoxin - forming property of fungal species was calculated based on the formula: t=100% - (Lon / Lk 100), with a decrease in the fertility of the seed, with a decrease in the growth of the STEM and stem.

As well as, the study micromacetal patterns were cultivated in a 500 ml volume tube for biomaterial preparation circumstances in a feed medium of 250 ml to 25-270 C. for 3 days. Additionally, seven drops of Tween 80 were added to the biomaterial.

In the experimental phase, the leaves were dried in a sterile filter paper. Leaf samples were placed in this Petri dish. The Verticillium dahliaе was dumped into the 1 and 2 experimental duplication of the biomaterial of liquid micromicette, and inoculant dip in the 3 experimental duplicate, but did not use “Tween 80”. The next leaves were placed on the Perti platter and placed in the damp chamber. The lid of the Petri dish was closed and sealed with parafilm. Then in an artificial climate cell, darkness of 25-26 ° C was raised to 16 hours / 8 hours.

The experiment was cultivated for 12 days, and then the leaves were damaged.

The introgressive hybrid forms of the cottonseed, Verticillium dahliae Kleb. The degree of durability of the biomaterials of the phytopathogenic microcrystate samples on the plant leaf samples was analyzed. According to the results of the research, the samples of the controlled (standard) S-6524 grade Verticillium dahliae Kleb. phytopathogenic micromycets were found to be strongly resistant (75.0-100.0%).

The introgressive hybrid forms of the cottonseed, Verticillium dahliae Kleb. based on the results of research on the determination of the durability of the biomaterials of phytopathogenic microcrystate samples. F4B1С Kelazhak х [Kelazhak х (ssp. nanking (with white fiber) х G.nelsonii)] «Family 1», F5С Kelazhak х (ssp. nanking nanking (with white fiber) х G.nelsonii) «Family 3», F4B1С Kelazhak х [Kelazhak х (ssp. nanking (with white fiber) х G.nelsonii)] «Family 3», «Family 4», F4B1С [Kelazhak х (ssp. nanking (with white fiber) х G.nelsonii)] х Kelazhak «Family 1», F5С Namangan 77 х (ssp. obtusifolium var. indicum х G.australe) «Family 1», «Family 3», F5С Kelazhak х (ssp. nanking (with white fiber) х G.nelsonii) «Family 1», «FamilyVerticillium dahliae phytopathy in "gene was separated from the micromitset mycotoxins strong resistance.

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