• Internet havola
  • DOI
  • UzSCI tizimida yaratilgan sana 18-12-2019
  • O'qishlar soni 288
  • Nashr sanasi 03-06-2019
  • Asosiy tilO'zbek
  • Sahifalar86-87
Kalit so'z

The article provides calculations of the magnitude of the flushing norm supplied to saline soils in two stages: at the first stage, the calculation of the volume of water needed to bring the moisture of the calculated soil layer to the maximum field moisture capacity, at the second stage - the volume of water consumed to displace the dissolved salts from the root layer and the number of leaching, as well as the procedure for submitting a one-time leaching rate to the irrigated lands being leached in the districts of the Republic of Karakalpakstan.

Kalit so'z
Muallifning F.I.Sh. Lavozimi Tashkilot nomi
1 Kasimbetova S.. доцент, т.ф.н. ТИҚХММИ
2 Ergasheva D.. мустақил тадқиқотчи ТИҚХММИ
3 Genjemuratov A.. магистр ТИҚХММИ
Havola nomi
1 1. Хамидов М.Х., Шукурлаев Х.И., Маматалиев А.Б. Қишлоқ хўжалиги гидротехника мелиорацияси. – Тошкент: “Шарқ”, 2008.
2 2. Рахимбаев Ф.М., и др. Практические занятия по сельскохозяйственным гидротехническим мелиорациям. – Ташкент: “Мехнат”, 1991.