• Internet havola
  • DOI
  • UzSCI tizimida yaratilgan sana 04-01-2020
  • O'qishlar soni 424
  • Nashr sanasi 01-02-2019
  • Asosiy tilO'zbek
  • Sahifalar32
Kalit so'z

The main task facing scientists is to increase the yield will increase the gross yield of grain crops. Therefore, the study and creation of new plastic varieties of winter wheat are very important.

Kalit so'z
Havola nomi
1 1. З.Зиядуллаев ва бошқалар. Суғориладиган майдонлар учун юмшоқ буғдойнинг ҳосилдор навларини яратиш // “Агро илм” журнали. –Тошкент, 2017. – №3(47). – Б. 22–23.
2 2. Diyor T. Juraev, Sherzod D. Dilmurodov, Shakhnoza U. Khazratkulova, Mukhayyo E. Azimova, Sirojjiddin T. Juraev. “Influence of hot dry winds on productivity elements of wheat crop observed in southern regions of the Republic of Uzbekistan”. International journal of Applied & Pure Science & Agriculture.IJAPSA-2017, India. Page 27–31.
3 3. Амонов О., Жўраев Д., Нурбеков Х., Дилмуродов Ш. Создание высокоурожайных и засухоустойчивых сортов озимой мягкой пшеницы //. Вестник сельскохозяйственной науки Казахстана. –Астана, 2016. – С. 20–25.